Bitcoin and digital currency is just this thing that was always going to happen.
You'll be using digital currency. I think really what will happen is you'll use a combination of bitcoin, ether, your devices, the 'Internet of Things.' We've got billions of devices coming online.
At some point people will wake up and realize that bitcoin is the best safe haven asset the world has ever seen. Until then, opportunity abounds.
We see bitcoin as potentially the greatest social network of all.
We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error.
Bitcoin is the first time in the history of the world that people have reached peaceful agreement around billions of dollars in economic value.
A handful of individuals control the algorithms of the world. It's time to decentralize
If you don’t own #bitcoin right now, your position is long USD shitcoin and short bitcoin. Think about that for a moment.