A preeminent innovator, systemic change digital analyst, strategist and design ecosystem thinker with vast international experience founding and managing multiple cross-jurisdictional companies and significant cutting-edge digital technology, value chain improvement projects, across different segments, and global markets including UK, EU, APAC, Africa, Singapore, Europe, and UAE. Invited to analyse and resolve some of the most pressing complex and difficult socio-economic challenges, Lisa brings to the table exceptional acumen to design, develop and deploy 'end-to-end' digital technology led, commercially astute and impact driven innovation, and solutions crucial for global economic development, using agile project and product management.Lisa is renowned. and has a track record for engaging and converging the best people, businesses, and stakeholders [public and private] internationally to get the job done. Challenging the state of play and disrupting the norm whilst pragmatically embracing high level uncertainty, threat opportunity risks and the rapidly advancing potential of frontier technology like blockchain keeps Lisa at the forefront of pioneering effective positive change and sustainable exponential growth in product-led, commercially opportunistic, digital transformation. Lisa's nexus is people; democratised value chains; relationship driven economics; SDG impact; sustainable at-scale growth; improved resilient businesses and internationally diversified markets, underpinned by targeted education, data-protection and fit for purpose frontier digital technology including blockchain, DLT and IoT. Augmented by a highly respected international academic and research contribution, this bold, multi-dimensional and courageous approach spotlights perfectly the many applauded, and successful initiatives Lisa has founded, established, and leads globally.Author & Co-AuthorBlockchain Impacthttps://projectispublishing.com/books/